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Unlock the potential of your organisation

Corporate mindfulness solutions for businesses of all sizes.
“The main business case for meditation is that if you are fully present on the job, you will be more effective as a leader, you will make better decisions and you will work better with other people.”
Bill George
Board Director, Goldman Sachs
Our Programs

MSA Mindfulness & Stress
Management Course (6 weeks)

Provide your teams with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively manage stress in the workplace

MSA Weekly
Mindfulness Program

Help your organisation maintain a positive state of mental wellbeing with our weekly program of guided meditation services


Our programs are designed for the needs of modern corporate workers.  Our sessions are structured into specific areas of focus such as relieving stress, improving sleep and helping employees focus on the key goals for the day.



Our instructors are all passionate about mindfulness.  They are all certified by the Meditation Association of Australia and undergo additional training here at MSA so you can be confident your staff are getting a consistent, high-quality experience.



We work closely with our clients to track key mental wellbeing and productivity metrics to ensure our program continues to deliver real benefits.



We manage all communications with our clients' employees to ensure they know what sessions are being run each week.  Our Employee Portal also lets employees see the upcoming schedule so they can reserve a spot ahead of time.

Our Services
Contact us now to get started

© 2023, Mindfulness Solutions Australia

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